Author: Satish Gaire, inDallas Magazine Date: Wednesday, December 23, 2015 If you live under a rock, you might not know that tobacco smoking costs places a $170-billion burden on the U.S. healthcare economy, and kills over 400,000 people a year. Recently, the “vaping” revolution has swept across America, helping thousands… Read more »
The belief that green tea helps to lose weight is not of today and a study by Tutts University and confirmed by nutritionist Dr. Michelle Schoffro. He confirms that tea does accelerate fat loss, especially abdominal fat, by up to 77%. Drinking green tea every day can give a… Read more »
As our lives get busier and more hectic, finding time for a workout becomes increasingly difficult. Most people would like to work out but tend to put it off until later in favor of other things. It is true that many people skip their workouts because they don’t think they… Read more »
Reduce Your Bedtime Energy When you regularly exercise, you lose energy and your body feels sore from the exertion. This often makes it easier to get to sleep as your body needs to reset in an effort to restore your energy for the next day. Deeper Sleep It is not… Read more »
Are you thinking of undergoing an eyelid surgery in Sydney? If so, you’ve landed on the right page. This post will take your understanding of eye surgery into a newer height. Before you decide to go through the blade, ask this question first, “Is eyelid surgery worth it for my… Read more »
The Chrysanthemin s an Anthocyanin which is the 3 Glycoside of Cyanidin, it is found in Roselle plant and other Japanese Angiosperms Rhaponticum. The smooth arrow-wood fruits are of blue color as they have pigments of c3g cyanidin 3-glucoside. However, they mixture remains very complex. Presence in Food The c3g… Read more »
The HandsDown™ is a wearable device that lets you know when you touch your face, bite your nails, rub your eyes, or scratch your acne. It silently vibrates to alert you to your subconscious habits. Problems like nail biting are obvious, but what isn’t so obvious is how our hands… Read more »
If you stick to a well-balanced, healthy diet, chances are that you won’t ever get ill. With this in mind, we are up with a blog post featuring a list of healthy foods that are super healthy and could do wonders if incorporated into our diet plan. Let’s check them… Read more »
Dental cleaning are standardized appointments and there are certain procedures that you should expect The goal of any dental cleaning by a professional dentist aims to rid your teeth of plaque, stains or tartar that have built up in your mouth. Flossing and routine brushing are great preventative practices but… Read more »
We’ve all met them: the one person who makes you feel worse about yourself after talking to them for even a short time. This individual can be your family member, a friend, or a coworker who is always whining about anything. Toxic is a term often used to describe these… Read more »