Author Archives: Herry

About Herry

Herry a man of many talents and interests. He has been writing on health for years and his blog covers everything from diet to natural remedies, fitness, and more. He loves learning about new things like supplements like turmeric, probiotics, green tea extract, protein powders etc., because he wants to give his readers the latest information they need in order to make healthy decisions for themselves or their loved ones.

Foods That Help Improve your Sex Life

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healthy food to eat

One of the most basic desires of man is to experience pleasure in life and the best method to do that is to have sex. Having a good sex life is important to your physical and mental health. Sex is one of the most potent desires in humans. It’s medically… Read more »

5 Top Rated Fitness Watches for Men & Women-Part 1

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Samsung Gear

If you’re really prepared to lose that excess holiday­weight, get slimmer, or get your body back into that swing of exercise, a fitness watch is probably the answer ­ as it can track your calorie intake, steps taken, heart rate, and other progress tracking to improve your focus. As well,… Read more »

Weapons and Strategies in Fighting Acne

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Of the evil monsters threatening happiness during adolescence, acne is probably among the most dreaded ones. Acne can strike when you’re least expecting it, and its force is crushing: even a small pimple can ruin your day. And when it comes to the more serious forms of acne, with a… Read more »

Weight-loss can be as Easy as Following Instructions

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You have made the choice to shed some weight. That’s great. Besides that fact that amount of weight-loss information can be frustrating. However right here are some of the basics to help you begin. Below is some info that will certainly begin your mission to ending up being much healthier…. Read more »

Testosterone: What Is It? How Does It Work? Learn More!

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Testosterone is associated with males, even if produced by both sexes, as we already know. But there is a very clear reason to explain this: men are about 30 times as likely to testosterone as the female audience. The production of testosterone is concentrated in the morning as soon as… Read more »

How to Give Your Lover a Hickey

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This blog post is dedicated to those wanting to know about Hickey as how one can give it to its partner. Hickey is a mark or bruise given by your lover during the hot moments. It depicts the intensity of love you make with your lover. Mostly, it’s a little… Read more »

Everything You Want to Know about Weight Loss Surgery

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Weight loss surgery is a very serious and final alternative to all other procedures that are available for weight loss. These procedures may include dieting, exercises and weight loss medications. Weight loss surgery depends on modifying the overall size of the stomach, in reducing the overall food ingestion, and also… Read more »

5 Top Rated Fitness Watches for Men & Women-Part 2

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In our part 2 article series, we will cover the last of the 3 of the top 5 rated fitness watches in the market right now. As a recap, fitness trackers today are becoming popular as more and more people are becoming more health conscious, and a wearable fitness tracker… Read more »

5 Easy Tips to Weight Loss Online

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What is the best way for weight loss online? To help you out, following we are providing you the best way to drop the extra pounds if you are sick of them. So get on these following tips and see how you can lose weight without a problem or any… Read more »

Benefits of Flossing?

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Are you one of those people who the only time that you floss is during your annual dental checkup? If so, you could be doing a lot more to protect your teeth, gums and overall oral health. Brushing your teeth is definitely number one, but what else can be done… Read more »