Have you heard about Influenza? Influenza is a virus that is responsible for infecting other people and producing flu-like symptoms. It is also famously known as common cold. Typically, many people reported to have symptoms such as fever, runny nose, watery eye, cough and also sore throat. Influenza is caused by the Influenza virus, usually the duo of Influenza A and also Influenza B. These two are the most common types that can give you a common cold. They like to be in cold weather such as during winter. The evidence also suggests that this virus is very active during a cold season. This fact is made clear by the increase in Influenza cases during the winter. So, people that live in a cold place or country that includes a winter season must become extra careful about the Influenza infection. They need to protect themselves by signing up for the Influenza vaccination program.
Influenza infection is a common infection especially in a cold area. Majority of the cases are not that serious, however it also has the potential to infect people and cause a severe infection. There are some cases where this infection caused serious complications and also death. So, obviously Influenza infection is not to be taken lightly. Usually, people with low immunity levels such as pregnant women, children, the elderly and people with an illness are those that are susceptible to these infections. These groups of people are the one that need to be protected first. If they have access to the Influenza vaccine, then it is a good idea to get them vaccinated first.
For now, the Influenza vaccine is regarded as the best way to prevent Influenza infection. This is because it has a high level of effectiveness. For instance, the Influenza A vaccine is known to have an effectivity rate of around 50 to 70 per cent while the Influenza B vaccine has an effectivity rate of around 60 to 90 per cent. That is actually a good rate for a vaccine. From here, we know that the Influenza vaccine can be very effective when dealing with Influenza infection. They can help you to protect your body and boost your immunity level against Influenza virus. However, what people are concerned about nowadays is the side effects from the vaccination itself. Well, do not worry because the majority of the vaccinated person reported to experience just a minimal side effect. Usually, people that go for Influenza vaccine injection reported to have side effects such as pain at the injection site, nausea, headache, fever and also rash. These are all quite minimal side effects and usually do not turn out to be serious in the future.
When we talk about Influenza vaccine, we must know that the vaccine needs to be taken every year especially before the winter season. This is because the Influenza virus itself is very complex. They have the ability to mutate and turn into something new, making it difficult for the vaccine to track them down. So, it is advisable for all the people that want to take this vaccine to take it every year. You can easily sign up for the vaccination program by going to any nearby hospitals or clinics. They usually offer the Influenza vaccine. If you like it fast and secure, then private hospitals or clinics might be more suitable for you. If it has a high demand, then you must book an appointment first. Otherwise, you can just take it with a walk-in process. Either way, it will surely help boost your immunity towards Influenza virus.

Carl Clay is a health blog author who has been writing about nutrition, fitness and healthy living for over 10 years. He also loves to run, hike and bike with her wife.