BACKGROUND 60% of men and in approximately 10% of women are suffering from hair loss. Balding is a major concern for many, and surgery to treat hair loss is the most common cosmetic surgery procedure performed on men today although a lack of scalp hair can potentially increase the risk… Read more »
‘High density’ hair transplantation is a new trend in the hair transplant world. Patients demand high density, but everywhere it is not possible to give for the only reason that we have a limited supply of permanent follicular units in the back of the head. In an average case of… Read more »
Are you experiencing hair thinning? Are you suspecting that you are balding? You may be a victim of hair loss. Hair loss can occur due to several reasons and can affect both men and women equally. Restoring hair through a hair transplant in Pune has proved to be a boon… Read more »
Although male hair loss is a natural process, when we lose more than 60 hairs per day it is considered abnormal. In most cases, male hair loss is considered an aesthetic problem, but it can be caused by many conditions and diseases, so it is always important to study this… Read more »
Individuals in Chandigarh are exceptionally in vogue and consider a head brimming with hair as an indication of energy. Be that as it may, today’s furious way of life, poor dietary patterns, hormonal unevenness, inconsistent calendars, solutions, hairdos and so forth have incurred the significant injury on everyone’s hair. While… Read more »