‘High density’ hair transplantation is a new trend in the hair transplant world. Patients demand high density, but everywhere it is not possible to give for the only reason that we have a limited supply of permanent follicular units in the back of the head. In an average case of hair transplant, the follicles are planted in the densities ranging from 30 to 40 follicular units per square centimetre. By this density, one needs nearly 2000 follicular units to cover the frontal area with the mid-scalp in high grade of baldness. In the case of high density, the number of follicular units is increases by double, which means the density of 60 to 75 follicular units per square centimetre. Now in order to track and save grafts with multi hair follicles, one needs to opt an appropriate technique with extensive and dedicated set up in the hair transplant center, where a large number of grafts can be harvested with a minimal damage rate. If you have any questions about hair loss, hair transplant and a revision (correction) hair restoration, find the best hair transplant surgeon in the capital, New Delhi and kindly, click on hair transplant in Delhi.
The hair transplant’s hairline density using dense packing hair transplant procedure, especially with the FUT is to create the most youthful looking of the frontal appearance. The high density and an aesthetic hairline are two different aspects of hair transplant, but both have a reciprocal relation as each hairline needs an appropriate density along with the aesthetic hairline to look natural. Even for a smaller area, an expert Surgeon gives a great change in a facial profile and the patient got the younger look as well as a natural outcome.
Why is the Hairline Important?
Why is your hairline important? To put it simply, your hairline is the first impression that defines your looks and personality. Your hairline is what frames your face. In other words, your hairline design should be in a proper aesthetic balance. It is mandatory that your surgeon must have the aesthetic knowledge of designing to giving an appropriate hairline according to the patient’s age, facial profile and their profession. It can portray you as having a round face, a square face, a chiselled face, etc.
After getting the proper natural hairline design and aesthetic placement of grafts on the bald portion it is hard to identify that the transplanted hair is of previous or later as well.
So it is very important to have an aesthetic hairline design of the recipient to zone to look natural. This is the whole and sole responsibility of a Surgeon to place the grafts on the recipient zone with a zig-zag fashion so that the newly regrown hair will achieve the natural pattern of growth.
Natural looking Hairline Design
An expert Surgeon of hair restoration with his artistic skills, aesthetic knowledge and the years of experiences gives an outstanding remark in terms of the natural hairline that defines the true meaning of aesthetic hair transplant. The Surgeon/Doctor must be concerned about the accurate design of the hairline in an irregular manner so that the results will look very natural in their hairlines. And, no one can identify it’s a transplanted hair. There is the importance of giving a proper angle and direction to each and every hair so that the hair grows with the natural angle and direction, which gives a natural appearance.
No Margin for Error
The hairline is by far the most important aspect of any hair transplant procedure. There is no margin for error. People will notice any flaws, any mistakes in hairline design within the first few seconds of a conversation with you. A casual glimpse will immediately reveal any unsightly scars you have along the hairline.
Hair Transplant Dense Packing with FUT Technique (High-Density)
Hair transplant hairline density decision requires careful consideration. An experienced Surgeon knows that how to place the grafts with the density proportionate as according to the available number of grafts with the desired coverage area.
Naturally, the hair density is about 100-120 grafts per sq cm. Usually, the density of approx. 60 Fus/Sq. Cm. Which gives a fuller frontal appearance. For high-density hair transplant, it is a remarkable result to achieve the 75 Futs/sq. Cm. and such kind of density has the output of very dense and a fuller natural look. But, it all depends upon the individual’s donor supply as well as the recipient area on offering the graft density.
Most hair transplant procedures strive to accomplish a density of about 30–45 grafts per Square centimetre and that is sufficient to create an illusion of acceptable coverage for some patients. In the dense packing procedures, the goal is to accomplish a density of approx. 60-75 grafts per square centimetre or higher than that, for which an expert surgeon tries to get nearly around 75-80 grafts per square centimetre with their level best. This will create a nearly full restoration for the patient’s hairline.
Do not assume that every doctor or clinic can perform dense packing. A proper execution of the technique requires a very skillful surgeon with many years of experience together with cutting edge medical devices and a keen sense of artistry.
Summarizing all, we can say that we all desire the teenage hairline with that we were born. However, not every person is a good candidate for dense packing. You need to consult as many doctors as possible before making a decision but must evaluate the selection in terms of the best hair transplant surgeon. A Careful planning is a pre-requisite for the hair transplant procedure.

Herry a man of many talents and interests. He has been writing on health for years and his blog covers everything from diet to natural remedies, fitness, and more. He loves learning about new things like supplements like turmeric, probiotics, green tea extract, protein powders etc., because he wants to give his readers the latest information they need in order to make healthy decisions for themselves or their loved ones.