Hot Tub Maintenance

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By simply keeping your hot tub covered, you are avoiding a potent cocktail of farce, horror, and diseases. Find a premium insulating and protective standard hot tub cover to keep all the dirt at bay and increase the longevity of the spa

Changing the spa water is a prudent measure of preserving a spa. As much as the cover protects the water from external dirt while the filtration and purification system remove the impurities on a daily basis, you need to change the water occasionally at regular intervals.


Water purification and filtration systems need to be cleaned thoroughly and regularly. The cleaning goes a long way to mend the spa’s durability and water quality. Depending on how you use the spa, it’s recommended that you clean the filters every 3-6 weeks.

Before filling the spa with fresh water or whenever you feel it is necessary, wipe the spa shell surface. This prevents a build-up on the wall and it may only take you a couple of minutes to get the grime off.

Tips in the infographic are presented by mySpaCover

About Carl

Carl Clay is a health blog author who has been writing about nutrition, fitness and healthy living for over 10 years. He also loves to run, hike and bike with her wife.