As the earth has evolved rapidly, people nowadays have fully addicted to technology. Because of this, lack of good healthy food and lack of exercise, many people fall under the overweight category or some even go to obesity condition. This condition arises due to people’s laziness and eating fast foods… Read more »
Modern day life is all about total commitment in every sphere of life. Daily routine of a professional is usually very stressing and demanding. Having to meet the challenges of professional, domestic and social life simultaneously places an amazing amount of stress on us. The accumulated effect of stress can… Read more »
THE UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY You read headlines to this effect everywhere: the age 85+ population is growing at a faster rate than any other population segment of our society. People 65+ in the United States will increase from 47 million now to over 79 million in 2036. Each year of this… Read more »
Attaining a perfect, slim body is nearly everyone’s dream. But it’s not that simple thing as most people fight for their “perfect body” for weeks, months, or years. Some even struggle for a lifetime. Getting slim is not a big deal, but adopting the right habits to get slim really… Read more »
Inflammation, our ally, could become an evil enemy. The immune system works for us, the more powerful it is, that we have a lower risk of disease. The immune system can be metaphorically likened to several groups of elite soldiers, each of which is designed to defend against various types… Read more »
If you are looking for a hearing aid for yourself or someone else there are a lot of new options available. Sorting through the many choices can be difficult. In terms of features, today’s digital hearing aids are superior to previous models. Before picking one, consider who the hearing aid is for… Read more »