Author Archives: Herry

About Herry

Herry a man of many talents and interests. He has been writing on health for years and his blog covers everything from diet to natural remedies, fitness, and more. He loves learning about new things like supplements like turmeric, probiotics, green tea extract, protein powders etc., because he wants to give his readers the latest information they need in order to make healthy decisions for themselves or their loved ones.

Recharge Yourself Physically & Psychologically with Sensual Massage

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A stage comes in life when we are too busy for ourselves. You don’t have time to think about yourself. If nothing is left in life except work, duties and responsibilities that is a point where inspite of being alive you are not. It is advisable to all of us… Read more »

Cervical Cancer: What You Need to Know About This Dreadful Disease

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Cancer of the cervix (the lower part of the uterus), otherwise known as cervical cancer transpires when the growth of abnormal cells on the cervix become uncontrollable. Aside from breast cancer, cervical cancer is another common type of cancer affecting women all throughout the world. Fortunately, with early detection, the… Read more »

Remedial Massage – Facts You Need To Know

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Modern day life is all about total commitment in every sphere of life. Daily routine of a professional is usually very stressing and demanding. Having to meet the challenges of professional, domestic and social life simultaneously places an amazing amount of stress on us. The accumulated effect of stress can… Read more »

Scenario Aging and Life Design in the 21st Century

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Scenario Aging and Life Design in the 21st Century

THE UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY You read headlines to this effect everywhere: the age 85+ population is growing at a faster rate than any other population segment of our society. People 65+ in the United States will increase from 47 million now to over 79 million in 2036. Each year of this… Read more »

Get A Secret Weapon in the “Battle of the Bulge”

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Attaining a perfect, slim body is nearly everyone’s dream. But it’s not that simple thing as most people fight for their “perfect body” for weeks, months, or years. Some even struggle for a lifetime. Getting slim is not a big deal, but adopting the right habits to get slim really… Read more »

Different Types Of Hearing Aids

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If you are looking for a hearing aid for yourself or someone else there are a lot of new options available. Sorting through the many choices can be difficult. In terms of features, today’s digital hearing aids are superior to previous models. Before picking one, consider who the hearing aid is for… Read more »