Category Archives: Diet and Food

Reasons To Visit A Nutritionist

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reasons to visit a nutritionist

Eating healthy can appear to be a big problem based on what you see on TV and read in the news. It doesn’t have to be that, though. A registered dietitian, sometimes known as a registered dietitian nutritionist, or RDN, will work with you to design a healthy and sustainable… Read more »

Sun is up, so let’s go outside and have fun

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By the time spring starts to make us aware of its presence, most of us are so sick and tired of the cold weather, rain or snow that when the first rays of the sun show up our alley, all we want to do is run to the beach and… Read more »

Nothing Beats the Oats: Mind-Blowing Oatmeal Banana Bread Recipes

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I have e confession to make: I used to think that banana bread was a plain quick-loaf made with al-purpose flour I’d better avoid. This is why having a smart cooking app is very good for you. MyGreatRecipes proved me oh-so-wrong, showing that banana bread can be super healthy and… Read more »

Importance of Pure Water

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Maintaining a healthy diet is a habit that must be cultivated and practiced for a lifetime and the importance of pure water in this role is fundamental. The guarantee of a healthy and balanced diet is a well-functioning body with balanced rates, good sleep and a number of cardiovascular benefits,… Read more »

Pancakes Might be the Answer to a Healthier Relationship

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This might sound a bit odd, but I do believe pancakes can lead to a healthier relationship. And I have the perfect example to prove it! See, me and my boyfriend are what you’d call the perfect couple and I believe it is because we do things together. And by… Read more »

Harvard Studies on Cellular Inflammation Fuel Innovative Diet Program

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Dieters dissatisfied with ineffective, run-of-the-mill diets now have access to a groundbreaking program that guarantees weight loss of 8-16 pounds in 14 days. Brian Flatt, a seasoned nutritionist and owner of R.E.V. Fitness, developed The 2 Week Diet in response to “mainstream diet programs that are time-consuming, inefficient, and just… Read more »

Finding the Best “Breakfast Near Me” Was Never This Easy

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Given the fact that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, having a quick breakfast recipe up your sleeve is of great importance. But, if you are a night owl like me and don’t quite fancy cooking, then finding the best breakfast near me is what really matters.  Why You Should Find a Good Breakfast Near Me If you want to get enough sleep and still go to work with the proper energy to keep you through the day, then a nice and big breakfast is what you need. As I have already said, cooking is a no-no for me, so visiting a great breakfast near me is definitely the way to go. But even if you love cooking, just imagine how much easier it would be if you didn’t have to wake up an hour earlier just to whip up a batch of pancakes or make eggs and bacon. And the last thing on my “why you should find a good breakfast near me place” list is that once you start frequenting it, you start feeling right at home (I am talking from personal experience here). There is definitely some beauty in entering a restaurant and being welcomed by the woman on the counter (Sally) saying: “the usual?”  The Best Way to Find Breakfast Near Me Now, on a more practical note: how to find the best breakfast place nearby. There are a few variables you should pay attention to. The best breakfast near me place will optimally have these three: great food, great price and great service (and by this I mean both pleasant staff and a great wireless service). Of course finding the last one should be considered the cherry on top, and not a crucial requirement, but it is a feature that people working from home will surely appreciate. We all know that breakfast houses pop up like mushrooms nowadays and finding the best one (both in terms of price and food) is a pretty difficult job. However, it doesn’t have to be all that difficult, especially in the modern era when you have every information at your fingertip. And that’s exactly what I am talking about: finding a great internet site where you can find breakfast near me restaurants is the easiest way to pick out the restaurant you will go to day in day out. This particular website includes descriptions of the best restaurants in a specific city with the address intact. So, the only thing left for you to do is just go and check it out. Another alternative would be doing things the old fashioned way. Start from somewhere and continue looking around until you think you’ve found the best breakfast near me. . But my advice is not to get disappointed nor get too excited right away. You never know what the next alley brings . If you are disappointed, there is a high chance the next place will be better than the first one, and if you think “this is it”, again remember that there is a whole range of breakfast near me places you can choose from. Happy hunting! 

Given the fact that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, having a quick breakfast recipe up your sleeve is of great importance. But, if you are a night owl like me and don’t quite fancy cooking, then finding the best breakfast near me is what really matters…. Read more »

Tips To Survive On a Low-Calorie Diet

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Tips To Survive On a Low-Calorie Diet

It’s one thing to plan to be on a low-calorie diet and another thing to actually follow it. If you have decided that you want to get rid of the extra weight in your body through a low-calorie diet, you need to make sure that you don’t give up midway…. Read more »

Diet-to-Go: Lose Weight But Enjoy Food—Use Coupon

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healthy food to eat

Diet-to-Go is a meal delivery service that caters to people who want to lose weight without sacrificing taste and convenience. It makes weight loss really easy. It delivers food to many states both in the East and the West coast. But if you live in Baltimore, Washington DC, San Francisco,… Read more »

Is the Keto Diet a Better Option After the Weight Loss Surgery?

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Wondering if it’s safe to eat the Keto diet after the weight loss surgery? If so, you’re at the right place. People who’ve had bariatric or weight loss surgery are often recommended to stick to a high protein diet after surgery. A Keto diet is full of healthy proteins and… Read more »