How to Feed in the Postoperative Period of Bariatric Surgery?

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The change in eating habits begins to be incorporated in the preoperative period. Through simple and practical changes the patient gradually becomes aware and prepares for the changes that their eating habits will suffer. The main objective is to train the patient to eat slowly, chewing the food well, with small and spaced “forks” and being motivated to a quality choice.

Bariatric Surgery

This process will facilitate the postoperative, avoiding discomforts and favoring healthy weight loss, especially fat mass. Nutritional monitoring begins in the preoperative period and should be regular throughout the period of weight loss. After stabilization, the patient should return every six months.

1st month of post-surgery

The goal of the diet in this period is not weight loss, but rather to assist in the healing process of the stomach. Care can be divided into five phases after surgery:

Liquid feeding phase – objective: adaptation to small volumes, hydration and gastric rest (first 2 weeks):

The first days of post-surgical feeding are specific and should be followed to avoid complications. The food is liquid and consists of small volumes (around 50 mL per meal).

As a consequence of the liquid diet, weight loss is quite large in these two weeks, and the use of Bariatric Advantage, specific nutritional supplements should be introduced to avoid vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Nutrition counseling should be initiated by the physician and nutritionist already in the hospital, prior to discharge.

First week

  • Diet: Liquid restricted (without lactose, without sucrose)
  • Food: Liquid (water, tea, coconut water, isotonic drink, diet gelatin)
  • Volume: 50ml every 20-30 minutes while awake.

Second week

  • Diet: Complete liquid
  • Foods: Soups / broths liquefied and cooked in a fine sieve (with beef broth avoiding adding starches, such as: rice, potatoes, pasta, cassava, yams, yams), skimmed milk, skimmed natural yoghurt without pieces, porridge diet, coconut water, isotonic drink, coarse and diluted juices.
  • Volume: 50 ml every 30 minutes while you are awake.

Nutrition supplement: Bariatric Advantage bariatric vitamin and nutrition products.

About Herry

Herry a man of many talents and interests. He has been writing on health for years and his blog covers everything from diet to natural remedies, fitness, and more. He loves learning about new things like supplements like turmeric, probiotics, green tea extract, protein powders etc., because he wants to give his readers the latest information they need in order to make healthy decisions for themselves or their loved ones.