You only get teeth twice in your life, one are known as the milk teeth, the teeth set that you get after them are very precious. As they are your companions for the rest of your life, as a person with artificial teeth and he will let you know how… Read more »
Through every screen, we are bombarded with the image of perfection. From head to heels, the standards of Hollywood have become our own markers for beauty without question. But sometimes, those impossible standards can cause average people to take extraordinary measures when it comes to altering their appearance. Your favorite… Read more »
Women are mostly conscious with their bodies. It is their ultimate dream to have a figure that opposite sex want. The married women want their figures to be back as to what it is before when they were still single. The women who were born chubby dreamt to be sexy…. Read more »
Children People usually believe that hearing problem is associated with adults or elders. It is because of the noise-induced environment, which is correct to some extent. But children can also get affected and loses their intense capacity to hear. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that 6 to… Read more »
Hair loss problem is one of the biggest beautification threat that can affect both man and women. I hope you already know there are many reasons that can guide to cause thinning hair and hair loss or even male pattern baldness. Such causes are ranging from the simple and temporary-… Read more »
Most people consider the ability to smile an important part of being human. Our smile conveys feelings and information to other people. In addition to being a large part of a person’s smile, teeth also have other important jobs that are necessary for health and well-being. For most people, acquiring… Read more »
Cosmetic surgery is still a surgery, and it has to be done correctly to avoid any risk that often could be quite damaging to your body. That’s why it’s very important that you choose your cosmetic surgeon carefully. One of the most common cosmetic surgeries performed nowadays is the breast… Read more »
Trestolone or 7 alpha-methyl-19-nortestosterone (MENT) is a synthetic androgen that is ten times as potent as testosterone. MENT is not 5-alpha reduced to DHT. MENT provides adequate replacement therapy for most androgen-dependant functions. MENT has a faster metabolic clearance rate than testosterone and, in contrast to testosterone, MENT does not… Read more »
When you live a healthy lifestyle, your body is better able to utilize the energy from the food you eat. Eating a healthy diet helps to ensure that your body has the nutrients it needs to stay awake and alert. Eating regular meals also helps to prevent fatigue from low… Read more »
How often during your week do you feel stressed out? If more than two or three times, then you’re up there with the national average. So how do you control your emotional states? A 1996 Prevention magazine survey found that almost 75% of people feel they have “great stress” one… Read more »